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Call TOLL-FREE from anywhere in North America, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. ET.


1-800-408-9995 (Toll Free)

1-705-325-0030 (International)

Call Center Hours: 8:30 am – 7:30 pm ET (Mon-Fri)

Customer Order Pickup Hours: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm ET (Mon-Fri)

Walk-in Order Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm ET (Mon-Fri)


Find a dealer

If you do not find a local dealer below, call us at +1-705-325-0030 (English & Français) — or e-mail — we can ship worldwide from our factory warehouse.

North America

United States


Frontier Sawmills

Norwood Sawmills

730 Young Street, Suite 900

Tonawanda NY 14150

1-800-408-9995 (Toll Free)

+1-705-325-0030 (International — English & Français)



Frontier Sawmills

Norwood Industries Inc.
35 Reid Drive, 
Barrie, Ontario L4N 0M4

1-800-408-9995 (Toll free, USA and Canada)

+1-705-325-0030 (International — English & Français)


Austria • Österreich

Grube KG Forstgerätestelle
Hützeler Damm 38 
D-29646 Bispingen


Belgium • Belgique (Français)

Giraud Matériels Forestiers
ZA de l'Etang,
42440 Noirétable (France)

04 77 24 91 66

Costa Rica

Vedova & Obando

+506 8339-2335

Denmark • Danmark

Norlog AS
Ystadvegen 41
7670 Inderøy

478 75 000

Finland • Suomi

Uittokalusto Oy
Taitajantie 2
57210 Savonlinna

015 555 0402


Giraud Matériels Forestiers
ZA de l'Etang,
42440 Noirétable (France)

04 77 24 91 66

Germany • Deutschland

Grube KG Forstgerätestelle
Hützeler Damm 38 
D-29646 Bispingen


Ireland • Éireann

Global Machinery Solutions Ltd.
Global Way,
Long Bennington, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5TU

Norway • Norge

Norlog AS
Ystadvegen 41
7670 Inderøy 

478 75 000

Spain • España

Ovalle Bosque y Jardín, S.L.
Polígono Industrial La Curiscada, Parcelas 19-20
33877 Tineo Asturias

Sweden • Sverige

Storgatan 62, 833 41
Hammerdal, Sverige

Switzerland • Schweiz (Deutsche)

Grube KG Forstgerätestelle
Hützeler Damm 38 
D-29646 Bispingen 


Switzerland • Suisse (Français)

Giraud Matériels Forestiers
ZA de l'Etang,
42440 Noirétable (France)

04 77 24 91 66

Scotland • Alba

Global Machinery Solutions Ltd.
Global Way,
Long Bennington, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5TU

United Kingdom

Global Machinery Solutions Ltd.
Global Way,
Long Bennington, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5TU

Wales • Cymru

Global Machinery Solutions Ltd.
Global Way,
Long Bennington, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5TU


Carlo Bortolus

42 Elizabeth Steet
Carrington NSW 2294